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You can propose a video understanding related project in any area that is of interest to you. However, before you start working on your project, please discuss your idea with the course instructor. Projects can be completed individually or in groups of 2. If you do not have access to GPUs, please contact the course instructor. 

Project Proposal (10%) (Due 09/15/21)

You can use the following template to generate your proposal report.  Your initial proposal should be about 2-4 pages and it should cover the following items: 

  • The problem that you are trying to solve.

  • The motivation behind the problem.

  • Your proposed approach, and how it relates to prior work.

  • The experiments that you plan to conduct.

  • The datasets that you plan to use.

Project Milestone (10%) (Due 10/18/21)

You should extend your project proposal to include the following:

  • A preliminary set of results.

  • Your analysis of those results.

  • Additional experiments that you plan to run.

Final Project Report (20%) (Due 12/01/21)

You should extend your project milestone to include:

  • The final set of results.

  • Your analysis of those results.

  • Your overall conclusions and findings from the project.

© 2021 Gedas Bertasius

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